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October 26, 2010

Members Present:  Nathan Moore, Mark Flionis, Mike Savino, John Blunt, Jacquie Kelly,
                       Denise Morano
Members Absent:  Marta Ferreira, Jessica Massery, Sue Serewicz, Jim Jumonville

The Skateboard Park Committee Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.
3 guests were in attendance to discuss the skateboard park, but it was suggested that they return on November 9 for our next regularly scheduled meeting to make comments.  Once they learned that we were interviewing design firms they agreed.

The first design firm interviewed was Spohn Ranch, followed by Grindline, and we concluded with Hardcore.  All 3 companies were asked the same questions regarding the types of parks they've built, the use of materials within the parks, their creative approaches, costs per square foot, and their ideas concerning the use of stairs, rails, edges and bowls within the parks.

At the conclusion of the interviews, the committee members discussed the 3 firms and their opinions based on the information they had gathered.  It was decided that the members would rank in order their preferred choice.  It was unanimous that Hardcore was their first choice, followed by Grindline and lastly Spohn Ranch.

Jacquie will pass the information along to the Town Manager, and draw up a contract.

Other business:
Skateboard Park meeting - Feb. 9, 2010 - John made a motion to accept the minutes, Nate      seconded.  The minutes were approved and accepted as written.  Mike abstained.
Skateboard Park meeting - March 9, 2010 - no quorum.
Skateboard Park meeting - May 11, 2010 - no quorum.
Skateboard Park meeting - June 8, 2010 - John made a motion to accept the minutes, Mark seconded.  The minutes were accepted as written.
Skateboard Park meeting - July 13, 2010 - John made a motion to accept the minutes, Mike seconded.  The minutes were accepted as written.
Skateboard Park meeting - August 10, 2010 - Mike made a motion to accept the minutes, John seconded.  The minutes were accepted as written.
Skateboard Park meeting - September 8, 2010 - Mark made a motion to accept the minutes, Mike seconded.  The minutes were approved.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15p.m.  The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, November 9 at 5:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's room.